Purchasing Service Credit


Benefits of Service Credit

Service credit measures the amount of time you have participated in MercedCERA and is one of the four factors used to determine the amount of your lifetime pension. In most cases, the more service credit you have at the time of retirement, the higher your benefit will be.

Purchasing Option

Most service credit is earned as you work. However, you may be eligible to purchase some additional service credit. If you are considering purchasing service credit, MercedCERA will help you determine whether the service qualifies for purchase, how much it will cost, and the benefit you would receive by investing in more service credit.

Types of service credit eligible for purchase:

  • Leave without pay
  • Military leave without pay
  • Prior public service/Military service
  • Redeposit of withdrawn contributions
  • Service prior to membership

Request to Purchase Service Credit Form

For detailed information on the different types of service credit, how the cost is determined, and the various payment options available, please view the form Request to Purchase Service Credit. This document will also tell you what information you will need to submit to MercedCERA before the cost of the purchase can be determined.

Additional Information

If you are purchasing time worked for a MercedCERA employer, this service credit may help you become vested and meet retirement eligibility. Prior public service and military service do not help to become eligible for vesting or retirement but may add to your monthly benefit amount.