Board of Retirement


The Board of Retirement is responsible for the general management of the retirement system, including making benefit determinations and managing the investment of the system’s assets.


Agendas and Minutes

Agendas are available prior to the meetings. Minutes are available following approval.


Meeting Calendar

MercedCERA Board of Retirement meetings start at 8:30 AM every fourth Thursday of the month, except for meetings in November and December. Meetings in November and December will be scheduled to avoid any holidays (usually the first or second Thursday of the month). Meetings are held at MercedCERA’s headquarters building, 690 W. 19th Street, Merced, CA unless the place or dates of the meeting are changed by order of the Board and timely noticed.


Board Members

The Board of Retirement is comprised of eleven members; two elected by the active general membership, one regular and one alternate elected by the active safety membership, one regular and one alternate elected by the retired membership, four appointed by the County of Merced Board of Supervisors, and the County of Merced Treasurer, who serves as an ex-officio member. With the exception of the County Treasurer, Board members serve three-year terms, with no term limits.