Working for a MercedCERA Employer after Retirement


As a retired MercedCERA member, you may work for a MercedCERA employer without affecting your monthly retirement benefit as long as you comply with the following requirements:

180 Day Break in Service 

General members must have a 180-day break in service following retirement before returning to work for a MercedCERA employer. A general member can return to work before the end of the 180 days only if the appointment is considered a “critical and necessary function” to prevent work stoppage in an emergency and is approved by the Board of Supervisors in a public meeting.

Public Safety Officer or Probation Officer 

 A public safety officer or firefighter is generally exempt from the 180-day separation requirement if returning to work in a public safety officer or firefighter position.

Other Break in Service Rules

Other break in service rules still apply, in accordance with IRS regulations, for members who retire prior to “normal retirement age”  which is 60 for general members and 50 for safety members.

960 Hour Limit per Year

Retirees may continue to receive their retirement benefit if their extra help employment with a MercedCERA employer is limited to 960 hours during each fiscal year (July 1st to June 30th).  If a retiree works over the 960 hour limit, the law dictates severe financial penalties such as paying back all of your retirement benefits.

Unemployment Insurance

A retiree who receives unemployment insurance arising from the end of an extra help assignment may not be employed in any public employment capacity for a period of 12 months after the unemployment benefits cease. Also, a retiree must not receive unemployment insurance, while receiving a monthly retirement benefit.