1. Where is Merced County Employees’ Retirement Association located?
We are located at:
Merced County Employees’ Retirement Association
3199 M Street
Merced, CA
Our office is located on the corner of M and Loughborough Streets.
2.How can I get MercedCERA documents or forms?
MercedCERA documents and forms can be accessed for viewing and printing at your convenience on our Form page.
3.What are the MercedCERA office hours?
Our staff in our office are available to assist you and answer your questions from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, at 209-726-2724.
4. I am currently working. What section of the MercedCERA website should I look at for information?
Go to the Retirement Planning section for information about your membership, contributions, service credit purchase, and other subjects. You can also read about the process of applying for retirement and see the Retirement Planning Checklist.
5.I am looking for something I read in a recent newsletter. Where can I find it?
You can find past issues of our MercedCERA newsletters under the MercedCERA Newsletter section.
6.How can I speak in person with a MercedCERA Retirement Benefits Analyst?
One-on-one consultations with a Retirement Benefits Analyst are available at our MercedCERA Office on an appointment basis, Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. To schedule an appointment, call MercedCERA at 209-726-2724.
7.How do I advise MercedCERA of my new address?
You may report the change by emailing MercedCERA at mcera@countyofmerced.com or by completing a Change of Address form and returning it to MercedCERA. For Active members, please notify your payroll department.
8. I need to report the death of a relative who worked for Merced County. What information does MercedCERA need?
If your deceased relative was a Merced County employee or MercedCERA retiree, contact MercedCERA at 209-726-2724 as soon as possible. Our staff will provide the information you need to know about required documents and any available death/burial benefits.
9.How does a defined benefit plan differ from a defined contribution plan?
In a defined benefit plan, the employer promises to pay a specified benefit upon the plan member’s retirement. That benefit is a lifetime benefit, paid to the recipient for the rest of his or her life. The employer invests the funds in a defined benefit plan and bears the risk of adverse investment performance.
Defined contribution plans, such as 401(k) and 457 plans, are savings accounts. Benefit payments (withdrawals) under these plans stop when your money runs out. In these types of plans, the employee decides how to invest the funds and bears the risk of adverse investment performance. Benefit amounts in defined contribution plans are determined by investment performance and amount of contributions.
MercedCERA’s retirement plans are defined benefit plans and, at retirement, provide a guaranteed monthly allowance paid for the rest of the member’s life. MercedCERA benefits are based on final average salary, retirement age, years of service, and tier.
10. I worked for Merced County many years ago. Am I eligible for a retirement benefit?
If you are wondering about your eligibility to receive benefits upon retirement, call us at 209-726-2724. Our Retirement Benefits Specialists can access your records with your Social Security Number or employee number.
11.I have been away from the County for a while. How do I find out my retirement benefits with the County?
If you have questions about what retirement plan you are in or your retirement benefits with MercedCERA, call us at 209-726-2724. If you terminated County service and deferred your retirement or established reciprocity with another agency, please keep MercedCERA informed of any address changes.
12. How can I stay updated on MercedCERA’s financial situation?
The Financials section includes our annual reports, which provide information about MercedCERA’s investments as of the fiscal year end, June 30th. Visit our Financials page.
13.Who serves on MercedCERA’s Boards?
MercedCERA’s Board of Retirement (BOR) is composed of nine members, an alternate member, and an alternate retired member. Four seats on the Board are appointed by the Board of Supervisors, two seats are elected by MercdCERA Miscellaneous members, one seat is elected by active safety members, and another is elected by retired members.
The alternate member is elected by safety members; retirees elect the alternate retired member. The County Treasurer and Tax Collector, an ex-officio member, is required by California law to serve on the Retirement Boards. Visit our Board Members page.
14. When are the Board meetings held?
If you want to see the Boards in action, you are welcome to attend their meetings at MercedCERA. The Board of Retirement holds meetings at 8:15 a.m. on the second Thursday in each month. The Board of Investments meets on the fourth Thursday of each month at 8:15 a.m.
Each Board’s meeting schedule is available on Merced County Employees’ Retirement Association website, at Meeting Calendar. You’ll also find agendas at Agendas and Minutes, posted prior to each meeting. Minutes for both Boards and each Board committee, archived since 2010, are available at Merced County Employees’ Retirement Association website.